2020 – current

2020 was a memorable year for students. Two blocks of time learning at home; Zoom lessons and videos with teachers; a virtual Anzac Assembly with students and staff playing the Last Post in driveways at 6am; a school divided with remote learning for Years 7-10 and on-site learning for Years 11 and 12, and online events organised by student leaders. Unfortunately 2021 is proceeding the same way, but a small window in March gave the school community the opportunity to celebrate our 80th birthday with many of the ex-students attending the celebration.



2010 – current: Jill Laughlin

School Captains

2020: William Clarke and Navia Naidu

2021: Charlie Lacey and Angus Carter



SRC Presidents

2020: Hetty Lawson and Yahia Khafagi

2021: Pearl Madan and Lukas Battey

House Captains

2020: Matthew Wildie and Mabel Wood

2021: Grace Maxwell and Tim Voevodin

2020: Mia Sergeant and Morgan Angove

2021: Ty Johnstone and Abigail Newman

2020: Ryan Valentine and Julie Demazy

2021: Jordan Ierardo and Anieke Ten Harkel

2020: Roy Loveday and Pia Hobday

2021: Maxwell Griggs and Hannah Lockwood



For all Prospice yearbooks go to: https://camhigh.exstudents.org/prospice/