1941-1949 Potted history

Information sourced from A Jubilee Retrospective by Robert Ewins, CHESS NEWS and school newsletters 

Despite the turmoil of the war and temporary re-location to other schools, students from 1945 onwards experienced the “real beginning of the school” (Dr James, Speech Night 1945). Prefects, school houses, green uniforms, Prospice, a choral festival, sports carnivals and the new school motto, Disco consulere aliis, all helped to create “an excellent school tone.” (Roy Andrews, 1948)

  • 1941
    • 362 students commenced on 27th Dr A.V.G James was the Headmaster.
    • Conditions were primitive with students walking on planks to get into buildings.
    • The school had to raise money for necessities like chalk, dusters, pencils, library books and outside seats. Parents gave 10 shillings per student.
    • Robert Menzies spoke at the 1st Speech Night on 4th
    • The whole school travelled by trams to the end of year picnic at Wattle Park.
  • 1942
    • A decision was made to “disintegrate” CHS so that Melbourne HS boys could be accommodated. The U.S. army had taken over Melbourne HS.
    • Some CHS students went to central schools, some boys stayed on, others went to Box Hill HS, and the girls went to Mangarra Road. Students continued to wear their CHS uniform at their new school.
    • Boys gave up sports time to dig air raid trenches on the oval.
  • 1945
    • CHS reopened but not all previous students returned.
    • Professional and commercial courses were offered.
    • The PFA was revived and raised money for equipment.
    • Students were divided into four school houses named “by popular vote of pupils and staff” after “four great men who played an outstanding part in preserving our freedom”
    • The prefect system was established to “develop the principle of self -government in the school”. Prefects were elected by students and the head prefects were elected by the prefects.
    • The school crest and motto were introduced.
    • The Pirates of Penzance was staged.
  • 1946
    • Senior students collated the 1st Prospice under Miss Egan’s supervision.
    • The 1st annual dramatic entertainment and the 1st House Choral Contest took place at Hawthorn Town Hall.
    • Anzac Day was commemorated with 2 speeches from staff who were returned soldiers.
    • Plays written by students were performed.
  • 1947
    • The Official Opening of the school oval & sports grounds on Saturday Oct 11.
    • Landscaping and ovals were in place and basketball and tennis courts levelled.
    • Rations were still in place- the tuckshop could not get any butter.
  • 1948
    • Roy W. Andrews was Headmaster from 1948-1952 then 1958-1965. He sought full parental support and a strong alliance between home and school.